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About the Bright Room

You've mastered the "ups" of your profession - motivating others, growing revenues, and satisfying corporate goals. But you've also endured the "downs" - the dual pressures of directing projects and dealing with employees, and the frustration of finding the best way to overcome obstacles and bring about results.


That's why you owe it to yourself to take advantage of the Bright Room's unique sharing and learning

  • relax your mind

  • reassess your business priorities

  • recharge your creative batteries


Think of it as an energized and purpose-filled peer group roundtable discussion. In the Bright Room You'll interact with a small, pre-qualified group of successful entrepreneurs in a confidential, candid exchange of knowledge and ideas unlike anything you can realistically expect to access within your own corporate environment.

"I have developed lifelong friendships that have helped me significantly grow my business.  Excellent process and facilitation!"

Philippe Goutagny, CEO, COR-RAY, California 

About Richard

Richard Bright has worked with entrepreneurs and small business owners since arriving in the US from Manchester, England in 1991. Through managing and developing learning initiatives for many organizations, Richard realized the importance of peer-to-peer engagement for entrepreneurs and the establishment of informal volunteer advisory boards.


Richard’s engaging personality and unique approach to business owner events and peer group meetings, ensures participants receive the fullest value in time and money, while also ensuring companies resolve issues and increase profitability.

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